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40 Best Life Quotes in Urdu | Urdu Quotes | Poetry Quotes in Urdu

Discover profound wisdom and inspiration with our collection of 40 Best Life Quotes in Urdu. Delve into the richness of the Urdu language with our curated selection of Urdu Quotes, encompassing the essence of life, love, and philosophy. From renowned poets to timeless verses, immerse yourself in the beauty of Urdu Poetry Quotes, resonating with universal truths and heartfelt emotions. Whether seeking motivation or solace, our website offers a treasure trove of eloquent expressions that stir the soul. Explore the depths of Urdu literature and unlock insights that transcend borders and language barriers. Start your journey of enlightenment today.

40 Best Life Quotes in Urdu are

زندگی میں اگر برا وقت نا آئے تو
اپنوں میں چھپے ہوئے غیر
اور غیروں میں چھپے ہوئے اپنے کبھی نظر نہیں آتے

If bad time does not come in life
Hidden within themselves
And those who are hidden among others are never seen

آپ بھلے ہے اپنی زندگی سے خوش نا ہو
مگر کچھ لوگ ایسے ہیں جو آپ جیسے
زندگی جینے کیلئے ترستے ہیں

You may not be happy with your life
But there are some people like you
Longing to live life

انسان کی ہر سانس اسے موت کی طرف لے جا رہی ہے
اور انسان سمجھتا ہے كے وہ جی رہا ہے

Every breath of man is leading him to death
And man thinks that he is living

40 Best Life Quotes in Urdu

زندگی کا ہر امتحان انسان محنت
اور ذہانت سے پاس نہیں کر سکتا
بعض امتحانوں کیلئے قسمت کے
.علاوہ کوئی چیز درکار نہیں ہوتی

Every test of life is human effort
And can’t pass intelligently
Good luck for some exams
Nothing else is required

انسان کی انسانیت تب ختم ہوتی ہے
جب اُسے دوسروں کے دکھوں پر ہنسی آنے لگے

Man’s humanity ends then
When he started laughing at the sufferings of others

زندگی جب بھی رلائے تو سمجھ جانا گناہ معاف ہوگئے
زندگی جب بھی ہنسا ئے تو سمجھ جانا دعا قبول ہو گئی
وہ روٹھا ہی رہا اکثر مجھ سے
منانے کا ڈھنگ نہ آیا کبھی مجھے

Whenever life makes you cry, understand that your sins are forgiven
Whenever life laughs, the prayer of understanding has been accepted
He used to cry often with me
I never felt like celebrating

وہ روٹھا ہی رہا اکثر مجھ سے
منانے کا ڈھنگ نہ آیا کبھی مجھے

He used to cry often with me
I never felt like celebrating

اس سے پہلے کہ جان جائے
اس سے کہہ دو کہ مان جائے

Before you know it
Tell him to accept it

کسی سے اتنا ناراض بھی نہیں ہونا چاہیے
کہ منانے والا ہی روٹھ جائے

One should not be so angry with anyone
That the one who celebrates should cry

کہہ دو اسے جدائی عزیز ہے تو روٹھ جائے وہ
ہمارے بن جی سکتا ہے تو ہم بھی مر نہیں جائیں گے

Tell him that parting is dear and he will cry
If we can live, we will not die

بدلے ہیں مزاج ان کے کچھ دنوں سے
وہ بات تو کرتے ہیں، باتیں نہیں کرتے

His mood has changed since some days
They talk, they don’t talk

روٹھو اگر ہم سے تو جان لینا
منانے کا ہنر بھول گئے ہیں ہم

Cry if you know from us
We have forgotten the art of celebrating

تمہیں ناراض ہونے کا بہت شوق ہے
لگتا ہے ہم تمھیں زندہ اچھے نہیں لگتے

You love to be angry
It seems we don’t look good alive to you

اس کے روٹھنے کی ادائیں بھی کیا غضب کی تھیں
بات بات پہ یہ کہنا دیکھ لو سوچ لو پھر نہ کہنا

What anger was the result of his crying
Look at what you say, think about it, then don’t say it

کوئی روٹھے اگر تم سے تو اسے فورا منا لینا کہ
انا کی جنگ میں اکثر جدائی جیت جاتی ہے

If someone cries to you, tell him to accept it immediately
Separation often wins the ego battle

یوں تو بہت اداس تھا وہ مجھ سے روٹھ کر
میں نے منانا چاہا تو نخرے میں آگیا

He was very sad and cried with me
I wanted to celebrate, so I got into trouble

تو ناراض نہ رہا کر واسطہ ہے تجھے خدا کا تجھے
خوش دیکھ کر ہم اپنے غم بھول بھول جاتے ہیں

So by not being angry, you are connected to God
Seeing happiness, we forget our sorrows


اس کو میری بے رخی کا اندازہ نہیں شاید
اس شخص نے دیکھا ہے میرا پیار مسلسل

Maybe he doesn’t understand my bias
This person has seen my love continuously

توں لاکھ خفا سہی مگر اتنا تو دیکھ
کوئی ٹوٹ گیا ہے تیرے روٹھ جانے سے

It’s a lot of confusion, but look at this much
Someone is broken by your death

مجھ سے اتنی لا پرواہی نہ کیا کر مجھے
کہاں اس دنیا میں بار بار آنا ہے

Don’t care so much about me
Where to come again and again in this world

اے موت تجھے تو بہانہ چاہیے نہ جان لینے کا
آلے میری جان مجھ سے میرا یار روٹھ گیا

O death, you need an excuse not to take life
Alas, my life, my friend cried

خواب دیکھے بھی نہیں اور ٹوٹ گئے
ہم ان سے ملے بھی نہیں اور وہ روٹھ گئے

They didn’t even dream and broke
We didn’t even meet them and they cried

چلو تم کہتے ہو تو چلے جاتے ہیں اس دنیا سے صاحب
ویسے بھی تمھیں ناراض دیکھ کر ہمیں جینا اچھا نہیں لگتا

Let’s leave this world, sir, if you say so
Anyway, we don’t like to live seeing you angry

کون کہتا ہے وہ مجھ سے بچھڑ کر خوش ہے
ذرا اس کے سامنے میرا نام لے کر تو دیکھو

Who says he is happy to be away from me?
Just take my name in front of him and see

وہ جلد باز خفا ہو کے چل دیا ورنہ
تنازعات کا کچھ حل نکل بھی سکتا تھا

He quickly left in a panic
There could be some resolution of the conflict

لوگوں کی نظر میں تو اک بنده ہی روٹھا ہے
لیکن میری تو ساری دنیا ہی ناراض ہے

In the eyes of the people, only one servant has cried
But the whole world is angry with me

کوئی تم سے روٹھ جائے پھر وہی خود تم سے
ملنے کو ترسے تو اسے کبھی کھونا مت
کیوں کہ وہ تم سے بہت زیادہ پیار کرتا ہے

If someone cries from you, then he himself will cry from you
If you long to meet, never lose it
Because he loves you so much

ناراض ہونے کا شوق بھی پورا کرلو لگتا ہے
تمہیں ہم زندہ اچھے نہیں لگتے

The desire to be angry also seems to be fulfilled
You don’t like us alive

کیوں ناراض رہتے ہو میری نادان سی حرکتوں سے
کچھ دن کی تو زندگی ہے پھر چلے جائیں گے ہمیشہ کے لیے

Why are you angry with my stupid actions?
Life is for a few days, then it will be gone forever

خود کو ڈانٹوں گا ساری باتوں پر
نہ جانے کس بات پر خفا ہو تم

I will blame myself for everything
I don’t know what you are upset about

ایک الگ ہی مراسم تھا اس کا مجھ سے
وہ مجھ سے روٹھتا تو خود سے روٹھ جاتا تھا

He had a different ceremony from me
If he would cry with me, he would cry with himself

مجھ سے روٹھ کر تم کبھی دور مت جانا ورنہ
ہمیں بھی آتا ہے کان سے پکڑ کر تمہیں سینے سے لگانا

Don’t ever walk away crying from me otherwise
We also want to grab you by the ear and hug you to the chest

وہ روٹھا رہے مجھے سے یہ منظور ہے لیکن
یاروں اسے سمجھو وہ میرا شہر نہ چھوڑے

He kept crying, but I agree
Guys, consider it, he should not leave my city

اک بار میں نے شکوہ کیا تھا شرارتا
کس کو خبر تھی اتنا برا مان جائے گا

Once I complained of mischief
Who knew it would be so bad?

کیسے کہہ دیں تمہیں ہم سے واسطہ ہے کوئی
تم نے تو آج تک ہم سے کوئی گلہ نہیں کیا

How can you say that you are related to us?
You have not done anything to us till today

لگا کر عشق کی بازی سنا ہے روٹھ بیٹھے ہو
محبت مار ڈالے گی ابھی تم پھول جیسے ہو

You have heard the song of love
Love will kill now you are like a flower

کتنا مشکل ہے اس شخص کو منانا
جو روٹھا بھی نہ ہو اور بات بھی نہ کرے

How difficult is it to convince this person?
Who does not cry and does not talk

یوں ہم سے اتنی بے رُخی اچھی نہیں صاحب
کہیں دل عادی نہ ہوجائے تیرے بغیر جینے کا

Thus, it is not good for us to be so rude, sir
Do not get used to living without you

زندگی بھر کے لیے روٹھ کے جانے والے میں
ابھی تک تیری تصویر لیے بیٹھا ہوں

In Roth’s going for life
I am still sitting with your picture

ہو گا قصور اس کا منائیں گے ہم مگر
ہم سے نہ ہو سکے گی محبت حساب کی

It will be his fault, but we will celebrate it
Our love cannot be calculated

In conclusion, the investigation of the 40 Best Life Cites in Urdu, nearby Urdu Verse Cites, typifies travel of significant revelation and illumination. Through the persuasive expressions and ageless shrewdness found inside these verses, perusers are welcomed to dig into the profundities of Urdu writing, where dialect rises above obstructions and feelings reverberate all around. Whether looking for comfort , inspiration , or essentially a minute of reflection, these sites offer a strong update on the magnificence and complexity of life. As we explore our personal ways, may the words of Urdu writers proceed to rouse, elevate, and direct us toward a more prominent understanding and appreciation of human involvement.


50 wisest quotes you’ve ever heard or read


50 wisest quotes you’ve ever heard or read


Life may be a travel filled with encounters that shape our understanding of the world. Along this travel, we experience shrewdness in different shapes, regularly refined into piercing cities that resound profoundly inside us. In this article, we’ll investigate a few of the most shrewd cites ever talked about or composed, each advertising a special point of view on life, cherish, tirelessness, and the human condition.

wisest quotes

The Control of Words

Words have an unimaginable control to elevate, rouse, and incite alter. As the saying goes, The writer is mightier than the sword. This site reminds us of the colossal impact words use in forming our considerations and activities. Whether talked or composed, words can rise above obstructions, touch off transformations, and touch the hearts of millions.

Meta Description

In a world immersed with data, intelligence stands as a guide of immortal truth and understanding, rising above eras and societies. The journey for 50 wisest quotes shrewdness frequently leads us to look for comfort within the significant words of sages, logicians, and visionaries who have cleared out permanent marks on humanity’s collective awareness. What are the most astute sites you’ve ever listened to or perused? welcomes contemplation into the pith of intelligence itself. It calls us to consider the significance, to filter through the endless embroidered artwork of human thought, and to distill intelligence from the heap expressions of human involvement. From the immortal intelligence of antiquated rationalists like Socrates and Confucius to the uplifting thoughts of modern-day scholars like Maya Angelou and Steve Jobs, this investigation could travel into the heart of human understanding. Connect me on this journey of illumination as we reveal the pearls of intelligence that light up the way to a more satisfying and edified presence. 50 wisest quotes you’ve ever heard or read

Here are the 50 wisest quotes

  1. As it were genuine shrewdness is in knowing you know nothing. Socrates
  2. “The travel of a thousand miles starts with one step. Lao Tzu
  3. “Knowing yourself is the starting of all intelligence. Aristotle
  4. “In conclusion, we as it were lament the chances we didn’t take. Lewis Carroll
  5. “The as it were the way to do awesome work is to adore what you are.” Steve Jobs
  6. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” – Aristotle
  7. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it. Charles R. Swindoll
  8. “As it were restrain to our realization of tomorrow will be our questions of nowadays. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  9. “It does not matter how gradually you go as long as you do not halt. Confucius
  10. “The most noteworthy eminence in living lies not in never falling, but in rising each time we drop. Nelson Mandela
  11. “Change your considerations and you alter your world. Norman Vincent Peale
  12. “Life is what happens when you’re actively making other plans. John Lennon
  13. “The best way to anticipate the longer term is to design it. Alan Kay
  14. “Success isn’t last, disappointment isn’t lethal It is the grit to proceed that tallies. Winston Churchill
  15. “The as it were thing fundamental for the triumph of fiendish is for great men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
  16. “The only individual you’re predetermined to end up with is the individual you choose to be. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  17. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most individuals exist, that’s all. Oscar Wilde
  18. “Believe you’ll and you’re midway there. Theodore Roosevelt
  19. “Be yourself; everybody else is as of now taken. Oscar Wilde
  20. “No act of thoughtfulness, no matter how little, is ever squandered. Aesop
  21. “As it were source of information is experience. Albert Einstein
  22. “The purpose of our lives is to be cheerful. Dalai Lama
  23. “Life is either a brave experience or nothing at all. Helen Keller
  24. “If you need to lift yourself, lift somebody else. Booker T. Washington
  25. “You must be the alter you would like to see within the world. Mahatma Gandhi
  26. “Do not go where the way may lead, go instep where there’s no way and take off a path. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  27. “To be yourself in a world that’s always attempting to make you something else is the most noteworthy achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  28. “The greatest riches is to live substance with small. Plato
  29. “The reason for our lives is to include esteem to the individuals of this era and those that take after. Richard Branson
  30. “The only thing we have to be fear is fear itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  31. “In conclusion, it’s not the long time in your life that tally. It’s the life in your a long time. Abraham Lincoln
  32. “Happiness isn’t something readymade. It comes from your claim activities. Dalai Lama
  33. “Success isn’t the key to bliss. Bliss is the key to victory. In case you cherish what you’re doing, you may be effective. Albert Schweitzer
  34. “You miss 100% of the shots you do not take. Wayne Gretzky
  35. “Don’t judge each day by the collection you procure but by the seeds that you simply plant. Robert Louis Stevenson
  36. “As it were a way to do great work is to cherish what you are.” Steve Jobs
  37. “It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot
  38. “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned almost life goes on. Robert Frost
  39. “The best vindicate is gigantic success. Straight to the point Sinatra
  40. “The as it was put where victory comes before work is within the word reference. Vidal Sassoon
  41. “If you need to create God giggle, tell him approximately your plans. Woody Allen
  42. “Success is strolling from disappointment to disappointment with no misfortune of excitement. Winston Churchill
  43. “The as it were thing standing between you and your objective is the story you keep telling yourself as to why you can t accomplish it. Jordan Belfort
  44. “Success isn’t how tall you have climbed, but how you make a positive distinction to the world. Roy T. Bennett
  45. “Our most noteworthy radiance isn’t in never falling, but in rising each time we drop. Confucius
  46. “When you reach the conclusion of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. Franklin D. Roosevelt
  47. “Life isn’t approximately finding yourself. Life is almost making yourself. George Bernard Shaw
  48. “Success is bumbling from disappointment to failure with no misfortune of enthusiasm. Winston S. Churchill
  49. “If you need to live a cheerful life, tie it to an objective, not to individuals or things. Albert Einstein
  50. “A travel of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Lao Tzu



100 Best Good Morning Quotes in Urdu


100 Best Good Morning Quotes in Urdu: Transform Your Life with Positive Vibes

Welcome to a collection of 100 best Good Morning Quotes in Urdu that are designed to infuse your mornings with positivity and set the tone for a productive and fulfilling day ahead. In this curated compilation, you’ll find inspirational words, motivational thoughts, and profound wisdom encapsulated in the beauty of the Urdu language. These quotes are not only meant to brighten your mornings but also to serve as guiding principles for transforming your life and fostering a mindset of optimism and gratitude. So, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the power of a good morning greeting.


Good Morning Quotes
Morning quote

وہ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتوں پر ایسے روٹھ جاتا ہے

جیسے کبھی بات نہیں کرے گا



100 Best Good Morning Quotes in Urdu
good morning

آپ سے ناراض ہو کر کہاں جائیں گے روئیں گے

تڑپے گے اور پهر لوٹ آئیں گے

Urdu quotes

ایک دنیا تھی مجھ سے روٹھی ہوئی۔

تو نے بھی ٹھکرا دیا اچھا کیا


Urdu best quotes

یوں ہم سے اتنی بے رُخی اچھی نہیں صاحب کہیں

دل عادی نہ ہوجائے تیرے بغیر جینے کا


every morning quotes

نہ جان سکیں وه میری دل کے بات نہ جانے

وہ کس بات پر روٹها ہوا ہے

اگر زندگی رہی تو ہمیشہ تجھے ہی یاد کرتے رہیں گے

بھول گئے تو سمجھ لینا خدا نے ہمیں یاد کرلیا ہے

100 Best Good Morning Quotes in Urdu

۔” -صبح بخیر! ہر نیا دن ایک نئی شروعات کا آغاز ہے “Good morning! Every new day is a beginning of new opportunities.”

“زندگی کی راہوں میں روشنی کے لئے صبح کی دعا کرو۔” – “Pray for the light to guide you through the paths of life in the morning.”

“ہر صبح تمام ممکنات کے ساتھ آتی ہے۔” – “Every morning comes with endless possibilities.”

“صبح کی دنیا میں اپنی خوبصورتی کو شامل کریں۔” – “Embrace your beauty in the world of mornings.”

“صبح کو اپنے خوابوں کو حقیقت میں تبدیل کرنے کا وقت ہے۔” – “Morning is the time to turn your dreams into reality.”

“صبح کی روشنی میں اپنی توانائی کو دوبارہ بھر دو۔” – “Recharge your energy in the light of the morning.”

“صبح کی محبت اور خوشی کو اپنی زندگی میں بذریعہ شامل کریں۔” – “Incorporate the love and joy of morning into your life.”

“ہر صبح آپ کو ایک نیا موقع دیتا ہے۔” – “Every morning gives you a new opportunity.”

“صبح کو خوش رہو اور اپنے خوابوں کو پانے کے لئے کام کرو۔” – “Stay positive in the morning and work towards achieving your dreams.”

“صبح کو مسکراہٹ کے ساتھ نکالیں، کیونکہ زندگی ایک خواب نہیں، بلکہ ایک حقیقت ہے۔” – “Start your morning with a smile because life is not a dream, but a reality.”

“صبح کی روشنی میں اپنی دنیا کو روشن کریں۔” – “Illuminate your world in the light of the morning.”

“صبح کی پہلی کرن روشنی آپ کی راہ روشن کر دے گی۔” – “The first ray of morning light will brighten your path.”

“صبح کی خوشبو اپنے دل کو خوش کرتی ہے۔” – “The fragrance of the morning pleases your heart.”

“صبح کی پہلی کرن محبت اور امید کی روشنی لے کر آتی ہے۔” – “The first ray of morning brings the light of love and hope.”

“ہر صبح آپ کو ایک نئی موقع دیتا ہے اپنی زندگی کو بہتر بنانے کا۔” – “Every morning gives you a new opportunity to make your life better.”

“صبح کی دنیا میں اپنی خوشبو کو شامل کریں۔” – “Include your fragrance in the world of morning.”

“صبح کو اپنے خوابوں کی تعبیر کا علاقہ ہے۔” – “Morning is the realm of interpreting your dreams.”

“صبح کی دنیا میں اپنے امیدوں کو پانی میں دبوانے کا وقت ہے۔” – “Morning is the time to drown your hopes in reality.”

“صبح کو اپنے دل کو شادمان رکھنے کے لئے یوگا کریں۔” – “Practice yoga in the morning to keep your heart happy.”

“صبح کی روشنی میں اپنی کمزوریوں کو توانائی میں تبدیل کریں۔” – “Transform your weaknesses into strengths in the light of the morning.”

“صبح کو خوش رہو اور اپنے زندگی کو خوشبو کے ساتھ بھر دو۔” – “Stay happy in the morning and fill your life with fragrance.”

“صبح کی روشنی میں اپنے خوابوں کو حقیقت بناؤ۔” – “Turn your dreams into reality in the light of the morning.”

“ہر صبح آپ کو ایک نیا آغاز دیتا ہے۔” – “Every morning gives you a new beginning.”

“صبح کو خوش رہ


Good Morning Quotes in Urdu
urdu morning quotes

وہ مجھے چھوڑنے کے بہانے تلاش کر رہا تھا

میں نے اسے خفا ہو کر اس کا کام آسان کر دیا

Making a practice of typing out sweet love messages will become as routine as your cup of joe. These good morning text messages are guaranteed to start your loved one’s day right on Valentine’s Day, their birthday, or any other day of the year. Just don’t forget to sign off with your cute nicknames for your pookie head then make sure their day ends as great as it started by sending the best good night messages too!

50 Best Urdu Quotes

Love Fall

The Timeless Wisdom of Urdu Quotes: A Journey Through Inspiration 50 best Urdu quotes


In the tapestry of human culture and expression, few threads are as vibrant as Urdu quotes. With their profound wisdom, poetic beauty, and cultural significance, Urdu quotes have transcended borders and language barriers, captivating hearts and minds around the world. In this article, we journeyed through the captivating world of Urdu quotes, exploring their origins, themes, and enduring relevance in today’s fast-paced world. Urdu quotes, with their exquisite beauty and profound depth, stand as timeless reflections of the human experience. Rooted in the rich cultural heritage of South Asia, Urdu quotes have captivated hearts and minds for centuries with their lyrical elegance and poetic imagery. From the enchanting verses of legendary poets like Mirza Ghalib and Allama Iqbal to the poignant wisdom of contemporary writers, Urdu quotes offer a kaleidoscope of emotions and insights that resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds. These quotes delve into the complexities of life, love, spirituality, and everything in between, weaving together threads of joy, sorrow, hope, and resilience. Whether expressed through ghazals, nazms, or simple couplets, Urdu quotes possess a unique ability to evoke profound emotions and stir the soul. They adorn the walls of homes, echo in the corridors of literature, and find their way into the hearts of millions through social media platforms and digital channels. With their enduring relevance and universal appeal, Urdu quotes continue to serve as beacons of light, guiding us through the labyrinth of existence and reminding us of the beauty and intricacy of the human spirit.

Origins of Urdu Quotes

Urdu, a language known for its eloquence and lyrical beauty, has a rich literary tradition dating back centuries. Emerging from the cultural melting pot of South Asia, Urdu evolved as a language of poets, scholars, and intellectuals, blending elements of Persian, Arabic, and local dialects. The roots of Urdu quotes can be traced back to the medieval courts of the Mughal emperors, where poets and philosophers penned verses that reflected the complexities of life, love, and spirituality.

50 best urdu quotes
love quotes in urdu

Themes and Motifs

Urdu quotes encompass a wide range of themes and motifs, reflecting the diversity of human experience and emotion. From love and longing to perseverance and resilience, Urdu quotes offer insights into the universal truths that bind us together. One of the recurring themes in Urdu poetry is the concept of “ishq” or divine love, which explores the mystical union between the soul and the beloved. Another prevalent motif is the beauty of nature, with poets often drawing inspiration from the changing seasons, blooming flowers, and flowing rivers to convey deeper philosophical truths.

The Power of Language

What sets Urdu quotes apart is not just their thematic depth but also the sheer beauty of their language. Urdu is renowned for its melodic cadence, rhythmic meter, and rich imagery, making it the perfect medium for expressing complex emotions and ideas. Whether written in elegant calligraphy or recited with heartfelt emotion, Urdu quotes have an undeniable power to move and inspire audiences, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers.


50 best quotes in Urdu

زندگی ایک سفر ہے؛ ہر قدم کو شمار کریں
امید زندگی کے جہاز کا لنگر ہے۔
ہر انجام میں، ایک نئی شروعات ہوتی ہے۔
خواب ہماری تقدیر کے بلیو پرنٹ ہیں۔
ہنسی روح کی موسیقی ہے۔
محبت کوئی سرحد، کوئی زبان، کوئی حد نہیں جانتی۔
صبر وہ چابی ہے جو ہر دروازے کو کھول دیتی ہے۔
کامیابی مستقل مزاجی اور محنت کا نتیجہ ہے۔
اپنے سفر پر بھروسہ کریں، یہاں تک کہ جب آپ اسے نہ سمجھیں۔
ہر غروب ایک نئی صبح کا وعدہ لاتا ہے۔
معافی وہ تحفہ ہے جو آپ خود دیتے ہیں۔
مہربانی وہ زبان ہے جسے بہرے سن سکتے ہیں اور اندھے دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔
سب سے بڑی دولت دل کا اطمینان ہے۔
تبدیلی کو گلے لگائیں، کیونکہ یہ زندگی میں واحد مستقل ہے۔
شکرگزاری ہمارے پاس جو کچھ ہے اسے کافی میں بدل دیتی ہے۔
احسان کا ایک عمل زندگی بدل سکتا ہے۔
خوف عارضی ہے، افسوس ہمیشہ کے لیے ہے۔
تنہائی کی خاموشی میں ہمیں اپنی اصلیت مل جاتی ہے۔
زندگی ایک پہیلی ہے؛ ہر ٹکڑا اپنی جگہ ہے.

خوشی ایک منزل نہیں ہے؛ یہ زندگی کا ایک طریقہ ہے



احسان کا سب سے چھوٹا عمل عظیم ترین نیت سے زیادہ قیمتی ہے۔
ایمان پہاڑوں کو ہلا سکتا ہے لیکن شک انہیں پیدا کرتا ہے۔
آپ کا رویہ زندگی میں آپ کی سمت کا تعین کرتا ہے۔
آپ جو نشانات بانٹتے ہیں وہ دوسروں کے لیے مینارہ بن جاتے ہیں جو آپ کے مارے ہوئے پتھروں کی طرف جاتے ہیں۔
درد ناگزیر ہے، لیکن تکلیف اختیاری ہے۔
اللہ پر بھروسہ رکھو، لیکن اپنے اونٹ کو باندھو۔
کامیابی ناکامی سے ناکامی تک ٹھوکر کھا رہی ہے بغیر کسی جوش و خروش کے۔
زندگی مختصر ہے، اس لیے مسکرائیں جب تک کہ آپ کے دانت ہیں۔
ہر بادل امید کی ایک کرن ہے.
حقیقی خوبصورتی دل کی پاکیزگی میں ہے۔
جینے کی سب سے بڑی شان کبھی نہ گرنے میں نہیں بلکہ جب بھی گرتے ہیں اٹھنے میں ہے۔
اپنے خوف کو اپنی قسمت کا فیصلہ کبھی نہ ہونے دیں۔
زندگی آپ کے کمفرٹ زون کے اختتام سے شروع ہوتی ہے۔
وہ تبدیلی بنیں جو آپ دنیا میں دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔
عظیم کام کرنے کا واحد طریقہ یہ ہے کہ آپ جو کرتے ہیں اس سے محبت کریں۔
بہترین انتقام بڑے پیمانے پر کامیابی ہے.
ہر وہ چیز جس کا آپ تصور کر سکتے ہیں حقیقی ہے۔
مستقبل ان کا ہے جو اپنے خوابوں کی خوبصورتی پر یقین رکھتے ہیں۔
خوشی کا انحصار ہم پر ہوتا ہے.
تین الفاظ میں، میں زندگی کے بارے میں سیکھی ہوئی ہر چیز کا خلاصہ کر سکتا ہوں: یہ جاری ہے۔
زندگی وہی ہوتی ہے جب آپ دوسرے منصوبے بنانے میں مصروف ہوتے ہیں۔
یقین کریں کہ آپ کر سکتے ہیں. اورآپ آدھا تو کر چکے ہیں.
اپنا چہرہ ہمیشہ دھوپ کی طرف رکھیں، اور سائے آپ کے پیچھے پڑ جائیں گے۔
صرف ایک چیز جس سے ہمیں ڈرنا ہے وہ خود خوف ہے۔
جینا دنیا کی نایاب ترین چیز ہے۔ زیادہ تر لوگ موجود ہیں، بس۔
کامیابی حتمی نہیں ہے، ناکامی مہلک نہیں ہے: جاری رکھنے کی ہمت ضروری ہے۔
آپ جو ہو سکتے ہیں وہ بننے میں کبھی دیر نہیں لگتی۔
کل کے ہمارے احساس کی واحد حد ہمارے آج کے شبہات ہوں گے۔
گھڑی مت دیکھو۔ جو کرتا ہے کرو. چلتے رہو.
عظیم کام کرنے کا واحد طریقہ یہ ہے کہ آپ جو کرتے ہیں اس سے محبت کریں۔

Cultural Significance

In addition to their literary merit, Urdu quotes hold immense cultural significance for millions worldwide. From the bustling streets of Lahore to the serene gardens of Kashmir, Urdu poetry is an integral part of everyday life in South Asia, permeating every aspect of society from weddings and festivals to political protests and social movements. Urdu quotes serve as a source of comfort, solace, and inspiration for people of all ages and backgrounds, offering timeless wisdom that resonates across generations.


The Digital Age: Urdu Quotes in the Modern World

In today’s digital age, Urdu quotes have found a new lease on life, thanks to the power of the internet and social media. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest have become virtual treasure troves of Urdu poetry, with millions of users sharing and reposting their favorite quotes on a daily basis. This online resurgence has not only introduced Urdu poetry to a global audience but also sparked a renaissance of interest among younger generations, who are rediscovering the beauty and relevance of this timeless art form.

50 best Urdu quotes

Discovering the 50 best Urdu quotes is akin to uncovering hidden gems in a treasure trove of wisdom and eloquence. Each quote is a testament to the depth of human emotions, offering insights that resonate with the soul. From the profound musings of renowned poets to the timeless wisdom passed down through generations, these Urdu quotes encapsulate the essence of life, love, and spirituality.

With their lyrical beauty and profound meaning, they have the power to inspire, comfort, and uplift hearts in times of joy and sorrow. Whether engraved in calligraphy or shared on social media, these quotes continue to weave their magic, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers to touch the lives of millions around the world.

In conclusion, Urdu quotes are much more than just words on a page; they are windows into the soul of a culture, a language, and a people. With their timeless wisdom, poetic beauty, and cultural significance, Urdu quotes continue to inspire and uplift audiences around the world, reminding us of the enduring power of language to touch hearts, provoke thought, and transcend borders. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, let us draw strength and inspiration from the profound insights of Urdu quotes, embracing their wisdom as we journey through the ever-changing landscape of the human experience.


10 Best Motivation Urdu Quotes


Unlocking the Wisdom: Exploring Urdu Quotes 10 Best Motivation Urdu Quotes

In the bustling world of social media and self-improvement, there’s a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed – Urdu quotes. These succinct expressions carry profound meanings, resonating with people across cultures and backgrounds. In this article, we delve into the enchanting world of Urdu quotes, uncovering their significance, beauty, and timeless wisdom.

1. Understanding Urdu Quotes

Urdu quotes encapsulate centuries of wisdom, poetry, and cultural heritage into concise phrases. Despite originating from the Indian subcontinent, their appeal transcends geographical boundaries. Whether it’s a couplet by Mirza Ghalib or a saying by Allama Iqbal, Urdu quotes have a universal resonance.

2. The Cultural Richness of Urdu

Urdu, often hailed as the language of poets, embodies the cultural richness of South Asia. Its blend of Persian, Arabic, and local dialects creates a tapestry of linguistic beauty. Urdu quotes serve as a window into this vibrant culture, offering glimpses of its history, values, and traditions.

3. Impact on Personal Growth

Embedded within Urdu quotes are nuggets of wisdom that inspire personal growth and self-reflection. From encouraging perseverance to celebrating resilience, these quotes guide navigating life’s challenges with grace and dignity.

4. Connection to Emotions

One of the remarkable aspects of Urdu quotes is their ability to evoke deep emotions. Whether it’s longing, joy, or melancholy, these quotes resonate with the human experience, fostering a profound connection between the reader and the message.

5. Expressing Love and Affection

Urdu, known for its romantic poetry, excels in expressing love and affection. Urdu quotes convey the language of the heart, capturing the beauty and complexity of human relationships in poetic verses that tug at the heartstrings.

6. Motivation and Inspiration

In moments of doubt or despair, Urdu quotes serve as beacons of hope and inspiration. Their motivational essence uplifts spirits, igniting a fire within individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations relentlessly.

7. Reflection on Life’s Journey

Through poignant metaphors and introspective musings, Urdu quotes offer a lens through which to contemplate life’s journey. They prompt us to reflect on the passage of time, the inevitability of change, and the beauty of embracing each moment with gratitude.

8. Influence in Popular Culture

From Bollywood films to social media captions, Urdu quotes have permeated popular culture, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. Their timeless appeal continues to inspire artists, writers, and creatives worldwide.

9. Preservation of Heritage

As custodians of cultural heritage, Urdu quotes play a vital role in preserving linguistic traditions and narratives. They carry forward the legacy of poets and scholars, ensuring that their wisdom transcends generations.

10. Spreading Positivity

In a world often plagued by negativity, Urdu quotes emerge as beacons of positivity and hope. Their uplifting messages resonate with readers, fostering a sense of optimism and resilience in the face of adversity.

11. Overcoming Challenges

Embedded within Urdu quotes are tales of triumph over adversity, reminding us of the human capacity to overcome challenges with courage and determination. They offer solace in difficult times, urging us to persevere with unwavering resolve.

12. Interpreting Symbolism

Urdu quotes are replete with symbolism and allegory, inviting readers to delve beneath the surface and unravel deeper meanings. Each word is imbued with layers of significance, enriching the reader’s understanding and interpretation.

13. Fostering Unity and Understanding

In a world fractured by divisions, Urdu quotes serve as bridges that connect hearts and minds across diverse cultures and backgrounds. They promote empathy, compassion, and understanding, fostering a sense of unity amidst diversity.

14. Resonance Across Borders

Despite linguistic barriers, Urdu quotes transcend borders, resonating with readers from all walks of life. Their universal themes of love, humanity, and spirituality unite people across continents, reaffirming our shared humanity.

10 Best Motivation Urdu Quotes

Ultimately, the 10 best motivational quotes empower individuals to embrace their uniqueness, celebrate their heritage, and chart their path in life. They serve as companions on the journey of self-discovery, guiding us toward authenticity and fulfillment. Motivational quotes


Motivation urdu quote

In a world inundated with information, Urdu quotes offer a respite for the soul, weaving together timeless wisdom and poetic beauty. As we immerse ourselves in their enchanting verses, let us embrace the richness of Urdu culture and savor the profound insights it has to offer. Here are 10 Best Motivation Urdu Quotes read more

Motivational quotes in urdu

5 Best Motivational quotes


How to Use Motivational Quotes: “Tips and Strategies for Incorporating Quotes into Your Life

The world of motivational quotations is a gold mine of insight and encouragement, where the perfect phrases may kindle a person’s desire, tenacity, and passion. A well-chosen motivating quote can have a profound effect on your team, help you overcome obstacles, or spur personal development. The greatest motivating quotations in English are presented in this article and are taken from the mouths of well-known writers, business moguls, and public personalities. These quotations are more than just sayings; they are guiding lights on the path to achievement, resiliency, and strength. Prepare to be engulfed by the transforming power of these ageless proverbs of empowerment and inspiration.

Are you prepared to increase your level of motivation? Our product is made with the best motivational phrases in English to empower and encourage you. These quotations will provide you with the motivation you need to succeed, whether you aim to overcome obstacles, gain confidence, or accomplish your objectives. Don’t put off realising your full potential any longer. Please take a look at our product now to get started on the path to success.

quotes in urdu
best motivational quotes

Discover the power of words with the help of our selection of the finest English motivational quotations. Our carefully chosen collection of quotes, which includes sayings from famous writers and inspirational business leaders, will fuel your enthusiasm, drive, and resolve. These quotations will provide you with the motivation you need to succeed, whether you aim to overcome obstacles, gain confidence, or accomplish your objectives. Investigate our extensive range now to realize your greatest potential. Best motivational quote


Best motivational quotes in Urdu
Motivational quotes Urdu
Best motivational quotes in English
Motivational quotes English

The Power of Words: The 2500+ Greatest English Motivational Sayings
Words can influence our attitudes, convictions, and behavior. They have the power to either motivate us to reach our greatest potential or prevent us from doing so. This is the reason motivational quotations are so effective; they offer us inspiration and direction that can help us get beyond challenges and accomplish our objectives.
The Scientific Basis of Inspiration and Motivation read more

Inspiration and motivation are intricate psychological processes involving a variety of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive elements. According to research, motivational quotes can improve our attitude, behavior, and mood by giving us a feeling of direction, meaning, and purpose.

motivational quotes

Inspiring Words to Help You Persevere
Overcoming challenges is an essential part of personal and professional growth. Our collection of motivational quotes includes inspiring words to help you persevere through difficult times, stay focused on your goals, and maintain a positive attitude.

Empowering Your Journey to Self-Discovery
Self-discovery is a lifelong journey that involves exploring your values, beliefs, and passions. Our collection of motivational quotes includes empowering words to help you discover your true self, embrace your strengths, and overcome your limitations.

Fueling Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace
Motivation and inspiration are essential for success in the workplace. Our collection of motivational quotes includes quotes to help you stay focused, creative, and innovative, whether you’re an entrepreneur, a marketer, or a team leader.

Advice and Techniques for Including Quotes in Your Everyday Life
You can maintain your motivation, focus, and inspiration by incorporating inspirational quotes into your daily routine. Our post covers suggestions and tactics for using quotations effectively, such as writing them down, keeping them close by, and using them as a source of inspiration and advice. https://yourdomain.com/motivational-quotes/best-motivational-quotes-in-english

Unlock Your Full Potential with the Best Motivational Quotes in English
Motivational quotes are more than just words; they are a source of inspiration, wisdom, and empowerment. You can realise your full potential and accomplish your objectives by implementing these quotes into your life. We have motivational quotes for everyone, whether your goals are to overcome obstacles, gain confidence, or succeed in business.

Motivational quotes in urdu

10 Best Good Morning Quotes in urdu


10 Best Good Morning Quotes in urdu

Start your day on the right note with our collection of inspiring morning quotes. These quotes are like rays of sunlight, warming your soul and setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

Whether you’re seeking motivation to tackle your goals, a gentle reminder to appreciate life’s simple pleasures, or a spark of creativity to fuel your endeavors, our morning quotes have you covered.

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Good morning quotes are more than just words; they are powerful affirmations that shape our thoughts and emotions. Psychologists have long emphasized the importance of positive thinking in enhancing mental health and overall well-being. Starting the day with uplifting words can set a positive trajectory for our mood and mindset, influencing how we perceive and respond to the challenges we encounter.

Positive affirmations have been shown to rewire the brain, fostering a more optimistic outlook on life. By repeatedly exposing ourselves to affirming messages, we reinforce neural pathways associated with positivity and resilience, making it easier to navigate through difficult circumstances. Good morning quotes act as a catalyst for this transformative process, offering a daily dose of encouragement and inspiration.

10 Best Good Morning Quotes in urdu

Inspiring Action and Productivity

Beyond shaping our mindset, good morning quotes have the power to inspire action and boost productivity. A well-chosen quote can ignite a sense of purpose and determination, spurring us into action toward our goals. Whether it’s a reminder to seize the day or a gentle nudge to pursue our passions, these quotes serve as reminders of our inherent potential and capacity for greatness.

Research has shown that exposure to inspirational messages can enhance performance and productivity. When we start our day with motivational quotes, we prime our minds for success, sharpening our focus and drive to tackle tasks with vigor and enthusiasm. From entrepreneurs to athletes, many successful individuals attribute their achievements to the power of positive affirmations and motivational quotes that fuel their ambition.

Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Life is full of ups and downs, and how we navigate the inevitable challenges determines our resilience and strength of character. Good morning quotes offer a source of solace and encouragement during difficult times, reminding us that setbacks are temporary and that we possess the inner strength to overcome adversity.

In times of crisis or uncertainty, a simple yet profound quote can provide the clarity and perspective needed to persevere. Whether it’s a reminder to stay resilient in the face of failure or a message of hope amidst despair, these quotes serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path forward with courage and resilience.

Fostering Connection and Community

In today’s interconnected world, good morning quotes serve as a means of fostering connection and community. Social media platforms abound with individuals sharing their favorite quotes, creating virtual communities united by a shared desire for inspiration and positivity. By participating in this collective exchange of uplifting messages, we not only uplift ourselves but also contribute to a culture of kindness and encouragement.

Moreover, sharing good morning quotes with friends, family, and colleagues can strengthen bonds and deepen relationships. A thoughtful message sent at the beginning of the day communicates care and support, fostering a sense of connection and belonging. In a world where digital communication often feels impersonal, these simple gestures of kindness can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

Cultivating Mindfulness and Gratitude

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of activity, losing sight of the present moment. Good morning quotes serve as gentle reminders to pause, reflect, and cultivate mindfulness in our lives. Whether it’s a reminder to savor the simple pleasures or an invitation to express gratitude for blessings big and small, these quotes encourage us to embrace the beauty of the here-and-now good morning quote

Practicing gratitude has been linked to numerous health benefits, including improved mental well-being and increased resilience to stress. When we start our day with a quote that reminds us to count our blessings, we shift our focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in our lives, fostering a sense of contentment and fulfillment.

From renowned authors and philosophers to anonymous wordsmiths, each quote is carefully selected to uplift your spirits and infuse your morning with hope, gratitude, and determination. Let these words be the gentle nudge you need to embrace the dawn with open arms and seize every opportunity that comes your way.

So, brew a cup of your favorite coffee, bask in the quiet stillness of the morning, and let our collection of morning quotes inspire you to make today the best day yet read more

Morning quotes in urdu

آنکھ سے آنکھ ملانے کا قائل ہوں سر جھکانے کی توقع مجھ سے نہ کیجئے

10 Best Good Morning Quotes in urdu
Morning quotes in urdu

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